Thursday 26 February 2009

3 lessons of editing

In this lesson we started editing our thriller opening. We started off capturing the filming we did on the previous lesson onto final cut. After we did this we started to choose which part we needed in our thriller by shortening it by using (i) in point, (0) out point.

Our thriller would start with a long panning shot of Emre walking down the stairs only seeing his shoulders and above. To make a match cut we followed the action by a still low high angle shot of emre walking down the same stairs. Then followed by a long shot of emre finally finish walking down the stairs and walking towards the camera. This followed by a black screen, this was to show the title. Then there was a stil mid shot of emre walking past the camera and walking down another stairs, low high anle shot of him walking down the stairs again, the a OVS shot of teddy looking at his watch. Followed by a POV shot of emre looking at me and a POV shot of me looking at him. There was a long shot of emre walking to teddy sitting down, low shot of emre placing the suitcase down beside him when he sits down next to teddy only showing their legs and the suitcase. It continues with teddy picking up the bag and walking away, still low high angle of teddy walking pass the camera. Then a long shot of teddy walking towards the camera with Me following him from behind. We end this by having a mid shot of emre looking to the right where teddy walked away and looking at the suitcase, then a POV shot of him picking up the suitcase. Close up of emre opening the suitcase, then finally a close up showing the item that was in the suitcase which was a mobile phone.

After we edited all the shots we started to add credits to it such as the title, the actors names, director, cameraman etc.. we then started on the hard bit, making the soundtrack for our thriller. As a group we found it hard to make the soundtrack. We went through all the sounds that was provided and started to play around with it. We started to mix different sound together such as bass and violin sounds and it kind of worked out pretty good. We then played around more add rain noises, thunder... after we experimented with the sound we ended up with a very good soundtrack. Its starts of with a thunder noise which contributes with the rain as we filmed in the rain. It gradually gets more up beat following the action. The part when teddy looks at his watch the sounds get faster using the violin sound. This is to build up the action so the audience will start know that somethink important is going to happen. It continues to the part when teddy picks up the suitcase. This part the sound contribute more with the action as it changes abit when teddy picks the suitcase up. Our soundtrack ends with a sudden stop when the item in the suitcase is shown.

I thought that the soundtrack really helped made this opening more like a thriller as it builds up as the action builds on to the important part. As a group we was very happy of what we have produce. Adn also we named our thriller ‘Exchange’.

Wednesday 25 February 2009

Filming thriller opening.

On the first lesson off filming we decided to film the opening of our thriller at Barbican. This was because we didn’t get our permisson to film at the train station. Also if we didn’t film on this day we would risk not finishing the thriller on time as the closing deadline was close by.

The Barbican was a perfect place to film our thriller as it would relate to the bag swap because the area was full of office worker so they would be in suits, so teddy and emre who was going to do the bag swap wore their suits so they both would blend in with all the office workers.

Unfortunately we had a problem. We started to film our opening but end up not finishing it so we decided to finish it next lesson but couldn’t because of the snow as if we do film on the next lesson there would be problems with match cuts.

So the lesson after we started to film the whole thing again. The character were, Me, Teddy and Emre, James was the cameraman. Teddy and Emre would be doing the bag swap and i would be the man that works for emre and follows Teddy when both bags had been swapped. We did a lot of shots such as emre walking down the stairs off Barbican to meet up with teddy who is sitting down on the bench. We also done a pan shot of emre walking down the stairs, High angle shot of him coming down the stairs. We done a POV shot off emre having a glace at Me standing there looking at him. A POV of me looking at emre. We had a low shot of emre placing the suit case on the floor next to him while he sits down next to teddy and then teddy takes the bag a walks off the set. A high angle of teddy walking away. Long shot of teddy walking towards the camera and me following him.

We decided to make two ending and would see which one would be the best to end with. First ending was emre picking up the suitcase and watching teddy walk away with a grin on his face not showing whats in the suitcase. Second ending was emre picking up the suitcase and opening it and finds a phone ringing.

We finish on that. I thought the filming went well but we did miss some shots out that we really needed but the shots we had was very good.

the pitch!

on this day i was absent....

planning of thriller opening!

In this lesson as a group we started to plan our thriller opening. Together we had many ideas for the thriller. Some of the ideas was; a person walking home from work and witness a murder and was chased by the killer himself. We thought this was a pretty good idea as the chase scene would create suspense as needed in a thriller opening. We were told that it wouldnt be a good idea as it would happen to quick and too much happening in a opening scene.

We ended up with a final idea, where there would be a bag exchange. We started to plan where this thriller opening was going to be located. As a group we had lots of ideas as where we can film such as the underground, airport, busy areas.... the problem with this was we had to ask for permission to film in the underground and airport. But we was liked the idea of a bag exchange in the underground so we decided to film it in the underground train station hoping we could get permission. We then thought of what would happen in the opening scene; the idea was for two men to work togther and steal the other mans bag. There would be 3 men in this scene, man 1 + 2 are working together to scam man 3. Man 1 would exchange the bag full off money to man 3, then man 2 would exchange a bag of newspaper pretending its money with man 3. At the end off this man 1+2 would have bags full off drugs and money but man 3 would end up with a bag full off newspaper.

second practice film lesson.

in this lesson we had to create a second practice film. Creating this second practice film we try to not complicate things as we did with the first practice film and complete ignore the genre. In this task we had to film a person walking into a room and a little bit of dialog between 2 people.

As a group we decided to film (emre) walking up the stairs to get to the room that (james) was in. This really helped as we was able to get more different shots and angles such as close-up, mid-shot, low angle shots, etc. We did each part of the filming a few times as we did each shot in a different angle and shots. We experimented with different shots to see if it would work. So we decided to do a very high angle shot of emre opening the door to create a birds eye view shot. We also tried a point of view shot with emre holding the camera while walking so the audience would see what he is seeing. Another shot we tried was a OSS while the to people was chating. This practice film wern’t like the first one as we didnt have a genre to link it to so it made filming and acting easier.

After the filming we had to edit it on final cut. Again this was easier as we didn’t have to make the film suspenseful like the last film we had made. After we completed editing and creating match-cuts with the filming we did, we decied not to add and sound track as all the sound we found did not contribute with the film.
In this lesson i thought that the filming went very well as we stook to our original plan and didn’t complicate things.

Tuesday 24 February 2009

Monday 23rd February editing lesson

In this lesson, as usual we were editing to complete our thriller. We finally completed almost all of the editing with one lesson to spare. Our shot sequence is as follows:
An extreme long shot of me walking down the first set of stairs followed by a low angle shot of the same action
A cut happens with a black screen to give the audience the title to our thriller
After a still long shot takes place of me walking down the second set of stairs followed by another one, but the camera is placed at the end of the stairs
Then we have Davids POV shot of him staring at me whilst i pass him by
Another long shot takes place of me walking towards Teddy, who is already sitting down
We then have a close shot of our legs with the briefcases next to us and as soon teddy picks it up we have a low angle shot of him taking one of the briefcases away
Then we see another long shot of Teddy walking towards the camera and David following him from behind
We then occur a mid shot of me looking at the briefcase and picking it up followed together with my POV shot
Finally we have a close up of the item in the briefcase, which has a mobile phone inside it.

Our group decided on going mainly for an orchestral sound for the soundtrack of the thriller, after spending time experimenting with the available sounds we had from the software package provided for us by the media department. We included all of the group members' names in between the thriller.

Our only concern was that we didnt manage to decide on a name for our thriller, but i guess that it will work out once we have our final thursday lesson on this.

Monday 9 February 2009

Filming On Monday 9th February 2009

On this day of the filming, we had planned to complete the filming. Unfortunately there was the problem of the ice, as we had predicted on Thursday. There wasn’t the same level of ice on the ground, so it would have occurred match-cut problems. Instead there was heavy rain. So we filmed the whole opening again, on the 3 hour lesson we had.

The only small difference we made to today’s filming was that at the end, when the 3rd man (David) follows the victim (Teddy), the other man (Me) looks at the situation whilst seated, and opens the bag to find a ringing mobile phone, from a private number.

We also filmed another ending, in case this doesn’t turn out to be very good. The difference is that I will be looking in the bag and grinning. The footage will not show the contents of the bag.

Filming On Thursday 5th February 2009

On this day of the filming, we decided to record our opening thriller in the Barbican Centre. The reason for this was because we didn’t manage to get permission off Transport for London to do the filming in the Tube Station, and because our deadline was close; so we didn’t want to risk our chances by waiting for a confirmation and not producing the work by the deadline.

The Barbican Centre also seemed like an ideal place for filming, as it seemed quite attractive to the eye; it was an area where there were a lot of offices so we thought we can relate this to the seriousness of our “bag swap” with our suits and attitude toward the process.

We finally decided on the characters. Me and Teddy were going to do the bag swap, whilst David will be working with me to go after Teddy once he gets his bag. James will act as cameraman.

We kept the scenario the same where there are two men doing a bag swap, together with a 3rd man working together with one of the men, going after the other man after the bag swap happens.

We did a combination of shots – bringing as many types of shots into the filming as possible.

Unfortunately, we couldn’t do the shots such as the escalator shots in the Tube station as we had planned, but we compensated that with combinations of shots where I come down a set of stairs.

We couldn’t complete the filming that day. We had an issue of ice, where we would have to retake the film if the ice doesn’t stay there next time we carry on filming.

Thursday 5 February 2009

Filming In The Barbican

in today's lesson we final stated filming, we were unable to go to our selected station to film in, so instead we decided that we should film in the Barbican center. we found a good place where we were able to do most of the shots we planed, of course because there wernt any escalators, we were unable to do that shot. we did every thing by the book, taking multiple angels of each action. both me and Emre had to wear suits for our part, and David had to wear black with a hood. the location we have chosen is probably as good as a tube station, of course we would have liked to film in a tube station, how ever we were unable to because of permission.
we did a lot of shots in a shot time, we still have a few more to do, but we should be editing by the end of our next lesson.
over all i think that today's lesson went well, with the group filming and working as a team we were able to get a lot done.
the only problem we now face is that there is not going to be any ice left on Monday, thinking of this, the last place we need to film had no ice any way, so it should be ok.