Thursday 5 February 2009

Filming In The Barbican

in today's lesson we final stated filming, we were unable to go to our selected station to film in, so instead we decided that we should film in the Barbican center. we found a good place where we were able to do most of the shots we planed, of course because there wernt any escalators, we were unable to do that shot. we did every thing by the book, taking multiple angels of each action. both me and Emre had to wear suits for our part, and David had to wear black with a hood. the location we have chosen is probably as good as a tube station, of course we would have liked to film in a tube station, how ever we were unable to because of permission.
we did a lot of shots in a shot time, we still have a few more to do, but we should be editing by the end of our next lesson.
over all i think that today's lesson went well, with the group filming and working as a team we were able to get a lot done.
the only problem we now face is that there is not going to be any ice left on Monday, thinking of this, the last place we need to film had no ice any way, so it should be ok.

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