Wednesday 25 February 2009

second practice film lesson.

in this lesson we had to create a second practice film. Creating this second practice film we try to not complicate things as we did with the first practice film and complete ignore the genre. In this task we had to film a person walking into a room and a little bit of dialog between 2 people.

As a group we decided to film (emre) walking up the stairs to get to the room that (james) was in. This really helped as we was able to get more different shots and angles such as close-up, mid-shot, low angle shots, etc. We did each part of the filming a few times as we did each shot in a different angle and shots. We experimented with different shots to see if it would work. So we decided to do a very high angle shot of emre opening the door to create a birds eye view shot. We also tried a point of view shot with emre holding the camera while walking so the audience would see what he is seeing. Another shot we tried was a OSS while the to people was chating. This practice film wern’t like the first one as we didnt have a genre to link it to so it made filming and acting easier.

After the filming we had to edit it on final cut. Again this was easier as we didn’t have to make the film suspenseful like the last film we had made. After we completed editing and creating match-cuts with the filming we did, we decied not to add and sound track as all the sound we found did not contribute with the film.
In this lesson i thought that the filming went very well as we stook to our original plan and didn’t complicate things.

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