Wednesday 25 February 2009

Filming thriller opening.

On the first lesson off filming we decided to film the opening of our thriller at Barbican. This was because we didn’t get our permisson to film at the train station. Also if we didn’t film on this day we would risk not finishing the thriller on time as the closing deadline was close by.

The Barbican was a perfect place to film our thriller as it would relate to the bag swap because the area was full of office worker so they would be in suits, so teddy and emre who was going to do the bag swap wore their suits so they both would blend in with all the office workers.

Unfortunately we had a problem. We started to film our opening but end up not finishing it so we decided to finish it next lesson but couldn’t because of the snow as if we do film on the next lesson there would be problems with match cuts.

So the lesson after we started to film the whole thing again. The character were, Me, Teddy and Emre, James was the cameraman. Teddy and Emre would be doing the bag swap and i would be the man that works for emre and follows Teddy when both bags had been swapped. We did a lot of shots such as emre walking down the stairs off Barbican to meet up with teddy who is sitting down on the bench. We also done a pan shot of emre walking down the stairs, High angle shot of him coming down the stairs. We done a POV shot off emre having a glace at Me standing there looking at him. A POV of me looking at emre. We had a low shot of emre placing the suit case on the floor next to him while he sits down next to teddy and then teddy takes the bag a walks off the set. A high angle of teddy walking away. Long shot of teddy walking towards the camera and me following him.

We decided to make two ending and would see which one would be the best to end with. First ending was emre picking up the suitcase and watching teddy walk away with a grin on his face not showing whats in the suitcase. Second ending was emre picking up the suitcase and opening it and finds a phone ringing.

We finish on that. I thought the filming went well but we did miss some shots out that we really needed but the shots we had was very good.

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