Wednesday 25 February 2009

planning of thriller opening!

In this lesson as a group we started to plan our thriller opening. Together we had many ideas for the thriller. Some of the ideas was; a person walking home from work and witness a murder and was chased by the killer himself. We thought this was a pretty good idea as the chase scene would create suspense as needed in a thriller opening. We were told that it wouldnt be a good idea as it would happen to quick and too much happening in a opening scene.

We ended up with a final idea, where there would be a bag exchange. We started to plan where this thriller opening was going to be located. As a group we had lots of ideas as where we can film such as the underground, airport, busy areas.... the problem with this was we had to ask for permission to film in the underground and airport. But we was liked the idea of a bag exchange in the underground so we decided to film it in the underground train station hoping we could get permission. We then thought of what would happen in the opening scene; the idea was for two men to work togther and steal the other mans bag. There would be 3 men in this scene, man 1 + 2 are working together to scam man 3. Man 1 would exchange the bag full off money to man 3, then man 2 would exchange a bag of newspaper pretending its money with man 3. At the end off this man 1+2 would have bags full off drugs and money but man 3 would end up with a bag full off newspaper.

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