Saturday 13 December 2008

1st lession

the last few lessons our group had to storyboard, film and edit "a thrilling read" using a newspaper. the story boarding went well with the group at the end of the lesson believing we had a good idea what to do for the next lesson.
when it came to filming we had an instruction video in how to use the camera and equipment. when it came to filming we filmed our ideas in many different angels and stiles. such as high angles and tracking shots, so when it came to the editing we had a lot of footage to look through. however once we had edited it to the way we liked it, this took the best part of a whole lesson. the next lesson we added sound. after this we noticed that our final cut was not thrilling at all, but more comedy, with uses of soundtracks and comedy gestures. i think that we went wrong when it came to the filming, we didn't stick by the storyboard, but went with our instinct and we drifted off the thriller theme. we came out with very good footage, but it was not in the thriller theme, if it was a funny read then it would have been great. next time we will have to remember to keep it to the theme that has been asked and if we think we are drifting off topic again, go back and see if it is.

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