Monday 15 December 2008

practice thriller David le

In the past few lesson we were put into groups of 4 (teddy,emre and james). as a group we had to plan a practice thriller which was to make a newspaper thrilling.

In the first lesson of our planning we was told to make a storyboard by taking photos of different kinds of shot that would make the newspaper thrilling or draw it by hand. My group decided to take photos of the different kinds of shots as it was easier to do than draw it by hand as we were not as artistic. Our idea of our thriller was a man which i was played by me reading a newspaper and see somethink exciting. This lead to him jumping of his chair in excitment. He then runs out the room with excitment and happiness. As he runs out another man who was played by James walks confusly over the to the newpaper which was thrown on the floor and there he sees a picture of Angelina Jolie. As we took the photos we took different camera shots to make the whole thing thrilling. We took a close up of the man reading the newspapers emotion, we try to take 4 shots which was to convey a rotation shot, over the shoulder, extreme close up and much more.

The lesson we had to film the thrilling we changed parts of the storyboard that we done to make it more better as it turnt out to be. Filming this thriller was more easier as we can use lots of different angles shots and moving shots. This was much different to taking photos as you can use moving shots.we decied to take 3-4 different shots on one part of the thriller. The first shot we came up with was a tracking shot with a close up of my feet, high angle shot of myself entering the room, also a low angle of myself walking in to the room and sitting down. After this scene we took a low angle of myself picking up the newspaper to read it, as i was reading the newspaper we shot a 180 degree slow moving mid shot around me and ends up with a over the shoulder shot of the article that i’m reading. A close up of my reaction, a long shot of me running out. A low shot while i run over the camera, a low angle long shot of james walking towards the newspaper and then finally a close up of a picture of Angelina Jolie. The next lesson we had to edit the footage that we took. Editing the footage we made some shorter to make it contribute with the nexts scene. This was easy as we knew were to place each clip. After editing we moved on to sounds. This part took some time as they were quite a lot of sound to chose from. We tested alot of sunds that will fit into our thriller. As we tried to chose the right sound we then realise the we made a mess of this so called thriller. We realise that we made a mistake on filming as after the editing with sound our clip did not feel like a thriller actually it was completely not a thriller. This was our own fault as our idea was not thrilling at all. As a group we thought that the sound was the biggest promblem as we chose fast pace happy sound which a thriller does not have. We then stop editing the sound. The film ended up to be funny. After this we all learnt that the sound of the film can indicate to us the genre of the film. Sound is very inportant!

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