Sunday 14 December 2008

Practice Project

Over the last couple of lessons, after assembling into our groups we were given a task to create a storyboard, film it within an hour and then edit it to the best of our ability. A thriller based on reading a newspaper was our given task. When the storyboarding lesson took place I was absent, however I was quickly brought up to date with the process and the storyboarding was complete. The next lesson we had was our filming period in which the first thing we received was a tutorial video demonstrating how to correctly handle cameras, tripods and other equipment. After this was finished we started to film, the first we decided to do was film the ideas that were created on the storyboard in variable shots, angles and styles. We used tracking, high angle, low angle, and medium close-up and long shots. We had completed filming so briefly before the lesson ended we could start editing and there was a lot of footage which we wanted to keep and a fair bit we knew had to be deleted. We managed to edit everything to how we thought it worked best we did this before the lesson finished so all that remained was to add soundtracks the short film. The next lesson came and all we had to was add music and finally edit it fully using final cut, however we realised after it was too late that what we had filmed did not resemble a thriller in the slightest. We understood this after we were going through the selection of tracks we could use, none of the percussion or urban tracks that did have a sense of a thriller matched with our footage it was the instruments of guitars and even the harmonica that could have been suited well with the footage. It was too comical and humorous to rectify now, I believe we went wrong when we it came to filming maybe we were being too ambitious with trying to use different angles apart from using the angles that were necessary maybe we should have kept it simple as in reflection some thrillers are more effective with suspense mainly using tilts, pans and close-up. What we had created was interesting to watch however it was not in the right genre as what we were asked to do, since it was just a practice I can see this as a learning curve that has to be always looked back on to avoid it from happening again.

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