Monday 15 December 2008

The Shining.

in todays lesson we watched a Thriller movie called The Shining. whiles watching this film we were ask to look for at least three examples of a suspenseful moment.

After watching this thriller we gave feedback about what parts was suspenseful and what made it suspenesful. Through out the film it was very suspenseful as the same soundtrack of a kittle getting louder and louder. This made the whole film very suspenseful. Some of the feedback:
the beginning starts of with a birds eye view shot following a car with a non-diagetic music of a heartbeat effect which made it suspenseful. also the birds eye view shot shows the location were the car is and establish isolation.whiles the boy was in the bathroom talking to his finger, there were a slow zoom on to him with the non-diagetic sound of kittle. As the zoom gets closer to him the sound gets louder this created suspense. The maze chase was very suspenseful as we don’t know whats around each corner also with the sound that contribute with teh chase. Tracking shot hightens suspense. When the boys sees the two girls there were quick shot of dead bodies this made me jump of my seat and again the sound contributes with it.
After this lesson i learnt that sounds can really make a different to the type of genre. The sound in this film made it very suspenseful as it repeats the same sound and get louder as somethink is about to happen

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