Monday 15 December 2008

The Shining

In todays lessons our media class had to watch a thriller film called the shining. We were asked to pick out some points of the film that had suspense. We also had to explain how the suspense was created, whether it was the movement of the characters, the sound that was added through editing etc... After the film had ended, we had a class discussion into what scenes created suspense. Some of our ideas were:
Jacks 'limp' - he's slowed down as he tries to kill his son with an axe, because we don't know if the boy is going to get murdered or run away free.
The chef - as he walks through the corridoor shouts out 'Hello', in the hotel that has a wife and child running for their lives which creates suspense as we know that he is going to get attacked because Jack is very close with an axe.
When Wendy finds out the writing that Jack has been doing which says, 'All work no play makes Jack a dull boy'. This is quite suspenseful as we find out that now the woman knows her husband is crazy, and we wait for Jack to pull off a move.

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