Monday 26 January 2009

Shot List

in this lesion we had to rethink our idea as when we put it on the story board we realized that there was no way we would have been able to film it in 2 minutes. After talking to both Micky and Rebecca we decided we needed to change the idea and cut it down. our original idea was to much like a film, than just an intro. we decided to get rid of the second bag swap completely and instead have the last shot of Emre watching me as i walk away. this creates more of a thrilling sense as well as it ends on a cliffhanger. it also means we will be able to fit it into the 2 minute slot. As a group we thought that this would be better. We will be able to have more shots, so we can create more tension in the 2 minutes, making this a more thrilling opening than the first idea.

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