Monday 2 March 2009

First day of Editing

in this lesson we had to log and capture our footage that we had. after being shown once we where able to do the rest, as we had all ready had experience in it when we had to make the newspaper film. after we had logged and captured we started editing. we all sat round one computer and put our film together piece by piece, as we where one of the last groups to film we thought we would have to rush it t get everything done, but we came in on the first Monday of the holidays to make a start on the editing. we had no problems in the editing. it just took a while to get all the match cuts how we liked them. we still had no idea for a soundtrack or title for our film. we knew that we had to have a dramatic and thrilling soundtrack and we where going to have to make a soundtrack on "Soundtrack Pro" the editing went well and we know knew what we had to do, and we thought we where going to make it in time. 

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