Monday 23 March 2009

thriller evaluation final!!

What ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media product.

The way our thriller opening uses, develop and challenge forms and conventions of real thriller movie openings is that we didn’t make our opening to simple because it wouldn’t have that much affect on the audience but we didn’t make it too hard so that the audience wouldn’t completely not understand what is going on. We also didn’t give away that much as this is to keep the audience off their seats so that they would want to know more as the film progresses. We created tension throughout the opening this was created by the soundtrack we created as the opening of our thriller would just start with a basic sound then as it continues the sound gets more upbeat, just when Teddy one of the actors who is doing the bag exchange with Emre picks up Emres bag the sound contributes very well as teddy picks the bag up and walks away. Many films that have bag exchange in them there is always tension that is built to when the person actually opens the bag and reveals what is inside the bag. Normally when the person open his bag he would find either money or drugs in them, but we thought why not put a phone in there as this would keep the audience thinking. We didn’t really want the audience to know a lot as we got this idea from watching a Documentary; a good opening shouldn’t give the audience enough information but not too little.

this is the ending when emre opens the suitcase only to find a phone ringing.

Convention we also used was the credits. We didn’t want to make the credit too fancy as this wasn’t that important. We kept it simple and clear. We didn’t have our title at the end like others, we placed it 20 sec after the start.

How does your media product represent particular social groups?

Our thriller represents middle class social groups. This is because that we didn’t dress in our everyday style. We dressed up in smart suits. This was to link to the place where we filmed our thriller opening which was the Barbican. The Barbican was surrounded by offices so we knew we had to dress up just like office worker/ businessmen/women to blend in with the location. Our target audience we aimed this at was to be 20-30 year old middle class people. Even though we were 16/17 years of age we manage to hide our age by wearing smart clothes. The Barbican was an ideal place to film because it was very mature place as the place is calm and quiet with middle class workers working about so we don’t intend crime and dodgy stuff to happen around this area. Our thriller isn’t really for women’s but more men would want to watch this sort of thriller as most of the actors are boys, not only because of this, it’s because men are more interested in these sort of films.

What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

I am sure i would not see our thriller in a Hollywood film industry but would see it as in a British screen. This is because our thriller has all the factors of being a British movie. Many British movies the lighting is mainly dark and the weather is dark, cloudy, rainy and a bit depressing. All this factors comes in to our thriller.
Our thriller was influenced by the movie Collateral were two men goes after Tom Cruise to steal his bag. This was a very successful movie so we decided to use the idea but change a bit as it wouldn’t be a Hollywood movie but a British movie.
I think the main distributors for our thriller would be Associated British Film Distributors (ABFD) as this would be more of a British film than a Hollywood blockbuster.

i also think YouTube would be an ideal institution for our thriller as YouTube is one of the biggest website in the world were u can upload your video’s and see what people think about it. It would be a good idea to put this on the website as you can get peoples feedback and then you would know that what you have created was successful or not. On YouTube there would be millions of people across the world exploring the website watching video clips from other people. I explore YouTube all the time and there are lots of rubbish video clips that i have seen and waste my time on but there would have many views. This shows that if we do upload our thriller on YouTube we would get people from all around the world watching it so our thriller will get more audience watching it.

Who would be the audience for your media product?

The audience for my thriller would be men age 25-30 who works and makes a lot of money and has the skills of a businessman. I also think older teenagers age 18-20 would also want to watch this kind of movie as they in the future would want to become a businessman and that there are in the environment of businesses. As i already said it would be middle class men who would actually watch this thriller movie.

How will you attract/address your audience?

What i would do to attract/address my audience is to create posters about my thriller film and placing them around London. Also i would create a trailer and have it on the internet. I would have it on YouTube, MySpace and FaceBook. This is because all of this website are very popular and have millions of people on it everyday.

Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?

Looking back at our preliminary task we have learnt the lesson of not to complicate things and to keep it simple. During our preliminary task we made a lot of mistakes such as going overboard with the genre and making the genre completely different. I also learnt that props are really needed to make the film more realistic and that it would contribute with the genre. I also learnt how to create match-cuts and using different camera angles and shots to use to make it more exciting.

What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

In these past weeks of filming our thriller i have learnt a lot. I have gain a lot of skills for this project such as using Final Cut editing our thriller and preliminary tasks. I learnt how to add effects, log and capture and adding texts. I also learnt the skills required to use the camera. Even though i used final cut before this project it was still a challenge as we had to do more stuff editing than the task we did before with filming of our thriller, such as adding credits, creating a black screen in between the scenes. Filming was very fun and enjoyable to do.

Media evaluation (thriller opening)

I also learnt how to use the soundtrack program to make the soundtrack of our thriller. This was way harder to use as it had a lot of sound from different instruments to choose from and most of them weren’t that great. But we managed to create a perfect soundtrack for our thriller. I also had to blog everything we did during our project using

What was the audience feedback from the class and cinema?

The feedback from our own class was very good. They said that our soundtrack really suits the film and that it really built tension to the part when teddy and Emre first meet. They also liked the shot of the three characters (me, Teddy and Emre) in one shot. They also understand what was going on so it really did go well.
At the cinema the audience were very pleased with our thriller as they cheered and applause at the end. This shows that our thriller was a success.

this is the shot when emre walks towards teddy and you can also see me at the back.

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