Monday 2 March 2009

watching film openings. (documentary) Monday 5th jan

in this lesson we watch a documentary about film openings. we had to watch the documentary and answer question about what the people say about film openings.

the first question was, What does Thomas Sutcliffe mean when he says: "films need to suduce their audience into long term commitment. while there are many types of suduction, the temtation to go for instant arousal is most irresistible"
what this means is to open, grab the audience attention straight away instead of a build up to the drama.

another question was, what is meant by "a faourite trick of film Noir" this means to start at the end.

the documentary tells us the classic openings. this was described by critic Standley Kauffmann as she said that the classic opening starts with an establishing shot close up and closer ect.. because you know where, and what the characters are.

this documentary tells us alot about film openings such as showing us what openings can do, how to begin a opening etc..

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