Tuesday 31 March 2009

The Pitch

In this lesson, I, Emre, Teddy and David had to pitch our idea to the teacher and the class. As we were not completely sure of our own idea the pitch was a little complicated, because of this we thought of other possible pitches better, so we thought of another two ideas.

After further contemplation, we thought the idea of number 2 bumping into number 3 to get his bag was stupid and unnecessary. A new idea we came up with, was that number two would follow number 3. Then number 3 would stop by a kiosk and buy himself something, while he would be doing this he would leave his bag unguarded for a minute, so that number 2 could quickly steal the bag without being noticed. Although this sounded god it was way too complex and did not make sense after waiting to make the swap why would someone be stupid enough to leave the bag unguarded.

Also the limit of 2 minutes meant we had to be realistic, we had to use different camera shots, that would be challenging enough without complicating the footage on-screen. Exceeding the 2 minute mark could deduct points from us and cost us a grade. So, we kept our options open and thought we could try filming both and see which one turns out better.

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