Friday 2 January 2009

28 days later clip

The majority of this shot is shot in a hospital, we follow a man as he walks down the stairs. we can tell that he is a little confused, by the way he says "Hello?" as there is nobody there, this creates a thrilling suspense from the fact that it is a hospital in the middle of the day, this causes the audience to ask the question "where is everybody?"
the next shot is of public phones, but they are all off the hook, meaning that someone had left in a hurry, not putting the phone back, once again this makes the audience ask, "why are the phones like that?" we see the man try them all, but fails to get a dialing tone, there is a high angle shot down on him, this shows the space that he is in (hospital reception) completely empty, there is a sign of panic at one point as there is paper, parts of a sofa and an over turned wheelchair.
the whole time there is no sound, apart from the sound the man is making, we hear no background sound.

the man then downs a whole pepsi, the audience now know that he hasn't drunk or eaten anything in a while. there is then a high angle shot of him crouching beside a pepsi machine, however the machine has be riped open, and there is cans every where with spillage of some. this creates a sense of carnage.
there is a lot of use of long shots, this helps emphasise his isolation, we see a shot of him over the reception desk, the reception desk usually has someone there no matter what, so we now know that the place is completely abandoned.

we next see the man outside from a low angle shot with a big building in the background, even though he is out side there is no sound of anything, no cars, no birds, no humans. This makes the audience think, "where is every body".
the next shot is an extreme high angle shot, we can just about make the man out as a small spot, we see where he was looking down at, some ambulances, one has been searched through
once again this creates the sense of "every man for them selves"

we now see the man crossing a bridge over the Themes river, with a few long shots of the city to show how that he is in central London, but it is still soundless, there is no sign of life anywhere.
when he is crossing the bridge we see that there has been some kind of struggle as there is remnants of a stall that sells London memorabilia all over the floor. there is still nobody around, however we get our first non-diagetic sound, quiet at first it is a slow soundtrack of some kind of guitar, this creates tension because it has hit both use and the man that there is no sign of life in the central London, meaning there must be something wrong. the man still trying to shout hello, trying to find somebody, there is another long shot of the bridge with big Ben in the background and we can just make out the man, there is also a quiet sound of the wind, that emphases the fact that there is no life around. there is then a shot of the man walking towards us through a broken window, at first we do not quite know what this window is of, but then we see from the next shot it is an over turned route master, the route master is seen as a tourist attraction to London, and seeing one on its side just emphases the fact that something bad has happened to the man, we are still hearing the plucking of the guitar in the background, this shows that it has hit the man that something big has happened wile he was in a coma. after we see the man shouting hello one last time, the next few shots are of long shots showing the man alone in central London, there are 3 separate shots, each one getting further away, in different parts of London, this shows that he has been walking around London and still hasn't found anyone.
there is then a pan upwards to see the shadow of the man walking towards a war memorial, this puts the idea in the audiences head that maybe a lot of people have died?

through out the whole clip the audience get a strong feeling of both isolation and wanting to know where everybody is, the clip itself is made more thrilling by the fact that it is set in central London and many people can relate to the area. the use of long shots to show isolation, and the use of no sound apart from the man frantically shouting hello every now and then creates suspense. it is not a thriller where you do not know what is around the corner, but it is a thriller of the audience being able to relate to the man, this makes you want to know what is going to happen to the man.

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