Thursday 15 January 2009

Editing practice lession

in this lesson we had to do a simple clip of someone walking, opening a door, and a bit of dialog between 2 people. We would be using final cut pro to do the editing, as a group we had used final cut before and we had a cut in our last clip of David walking through a door, so we were quite positive about this practical.

unlike the last practical we stuck to our plan and didn't made one change, because there where a lot of groups filming in the corridor we decided to film going up the stairs instead. this turned out well because we were able to take many different shots on the stairs.
we tryed to include all the different shot types in the clip, CU, MS etc. we also played around with the different angles, and one extreme high angle where we had to put the tripod to the max upwards it would go. to get a birds eye view of the handle turning.
we didn't have to create any kind of genre like a thriller, this made it a lot more easy when it came to editing, because we didn't have to try and make it suspenseful or humorous.
our group finished early and instead of going on to editing early we decided to take more shots, from different angles and different ways, panning and tracking. one idea was for Emre to do the whole scene in a POV shot in case we thought any would look good in the final cut.

over all i think that this practical went very well, we sucseded in the editing with convinceing edits.

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