Sunday 11 January 2009

Thursday 8th January Lesson

In this lesson we were given a scenario on paper and we had to make up a sequence of shots in our groups. One half of a group made up a series of shots to use in the scenario and they had to compare their results to the rest of their group.
The scenario was:
A day in east London, 3pm. A man has highly confidential information and loads this on a CD. He then packages this to send it off.
In the group I was with, me and James worked together in this task and David, together with Teddy worked on the same task. After we finished comparing, we found that Teddy’s and David’s sequence was in more detail and was praised by Mickey for their work.
Mickey, then introduced us to “match-cut”. Match-cut is used in editing where you have a scene and two or more shots, in different angles, have been cut accordingly to fit and let the action carry on with no interferences.
Mickey then showed us his version of the scenario he gave us. We spotted how he applied his match-cutting technique into the video.

Our Preliminary Video Planning
Our group was given another scenario, but this time, we had to actually produce the video piece with our ideas that we put on paper. The scenario was that one person walks into a room, sits opposite the other character and converses with each other. Our group came up with ideas into creating the shots and putting them together.

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