Tuesday 20 January 2009

The Pitch

In this lesson, me, James and Teddy had to pitch our idea to the teacher and the other groups. We had another discussion with the group and thought that our opening thriller should be better, so we thought of another two ideas.

We compromised, and concluded that the idea of number 2 bumping into number 3 to steal the bad was a bit too simple. The first, new idea we came up with, was that number two would follow number 3. Then number 3 would stop by a kiosk and buys himself a chocolate bar, which means that he puts his bag on the ground and number 2 swiftly grabs the bag without being noticed and moves off.

However the next idea, in my opinion, sounded even more enhanced. We thought that once the meeting with number 1 and 3 goes on, number 1 can spike number 3’s drink and offer it to him. After the transaction happens and number 3 drinks the lot, he feels sick and runs to a toilet. Once number 3 is in a cabin vomiting, number 2 can then grab his bag and run away.

In this scenario we thought that number 1 could be Teddy, number 2 could be either me or James and number 3 could be David.

However the trouble is that we have a limit of 2 minutes, and as the “toilet” scenario is quite complex and requires a lot of shots, so exceeding 2 minute mark can get us penalised. So, we thought that we should film both ideas and see which one turns out to be the best.

We thought of a music track that would fit quite well, once the bag from number 2 is recovered. Its from “The Strangers – Peaches”.

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