Sunday 18 January 2009

Plan for the Thriller Opening - Thursday 15th January 2008

On Thursdays lesson our group had to plan out an idea for our actual thriller opening. We had already talked amongst ourselves about how our thriller opening should be like, but this was the lesson we were going to have everything on paper. We were thinking of little ideas first, such as the location, whether the film was going to be in the day or evening, and if the characters were going to be alone.

In the end we managed to collate our ideas come up with some suitable scenarios. We thought of an scenario, where there would be a normal person walking at night witnessing a murder, combined with a chase scene with the witness and murderer. We thought this was a pretty good idea because it contained instant arousal to the audience, but we were told that it was all to fast and all too much to have in just the opening of our thriller.

Another idea was that there would be scene with a police officer investigating a murder, where we have shots of the evidence found together with the sound of a flash to bring the notion of a crime scene, and a reconstruction shot of how it was used. We were thinking to add psychedelic effects once we have the reconstruction shots.

We then had a final idea, where there would be a swindle. The opening contains a bag handling situation where one bag contains drugs and the other contains money. Two men work together to steal another man's bag. This is how the scene will work. The two men working together will be called number 1 and 2. Number 3 is the man that gets conned. Number 1 sits on a bench in a quite area with drugs. Number 3 sits next to him with a bag full of money. Number 2 sits on the on the oppsite side and waits for the swap. After the swap happens between 1 and 3, number 2 deliberately bumps into number 3 and carefully swaps bags with him. Number 1 and 2 walk away and do a getaway. Number 3 looks into his bag and finds that it is full of newspaper.

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