Thursday 15 January 2009

Ideas for Thriller

in this lesson our group sat and thought of all the different openings we should do, we started with the basics, who, what and where. writing any words or ideas that might help such as "Alone" and "Night" we had three main ideas that we thought would work well, one was that there was a member of the public, walks down a road and witnesses an attack, then the attacker sees the person and there is an elaberate chase scene. when we showed this idea to the teacher she pointed out that where would the film go from the intro, as it would be one long chase, so we scaraped that idea.
the next idea was to go with the police investigating a murder, with shots of evidence and then a flash back of what happened, so we would see a crobar on a table and then an edit with a "woosh" sound and we see in a blury effect a quick shot of the crobar being used in action. this idea became our back up plan.
our final idea is a complicated one, it is of a ganster being riped of by another in a transaction of a bag swap. it stars with 3 men, numbers 1 and 2 are working togeather to rip off number 3. number 1 is all ready sitting down in a public area ( we were thinking liverpool street station) number 2 walkis in and sit in view of number 1. number 3 comes in and slighly swaps his bag with number 2 then both number 2 and 3 walk off. however number 1 gets up and bumps into number 3 and swiftly swaps bags with him, he then walks off, and you see number 1 and 2 getinto a car or taxi. then when number 3 opens the bag it is full fo newspaper. even though this may sound confusing as a group we throught it would be a good idea, becuase we are not going with the useual of someone dying.
we also had alot of ideas for good shots, such as on the escalator, one man going up as the camera goes down. also POV shot for number 1 behind the newspapaer looking at the transaction. also the use of in and out of focus shots to establish for the audience who to focus on.
i think that this idea is a great one, and im sure my group can pull it off if given the chance.

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